In addition, the optimal nitrogen source was determined to be yeast extract, followed by corn steep liquor, which was able to partially or completely replace yeast extract. 最适氮源为酵母抽提物,玉米浆次之,玉米浆可以部分或全部代替酵母抽提物作为乳酸发酵的氮源;
Yeast Production by Using Corn Steep Liquor and Its Application on Lysine Production Progress 利用玉米浸泡水生产酵母及其在赖氨酸下游工艺中的应用
Corn steep liquor 3%; 猕猴桃酒的生产玉米浆3%;
With the fermentative experiments of shake flask in which corn steep liquor was replaced by d-biotin, the high acid-produced strains were selected and the variable range of sub opportune amount of d-biotin was determined. 用d-生物素代替玉米浆的摇瓶发酵实验,筛选出高产酸菌株,测定了d-生物素的亚运量可变范围。
The preparation of sodium phytic acid from corn steep liquor with the method of adsorption of ionexchange resin and hydrolysis with pressure for the extraction of inositol is studied; 开发了用离子交换树脂吸附法以玉米浸渍水为原料制得的植酸钠,再进行加压水解制取肌醇的新工艺。
Effects of corn steep liquor on glycerol fermentation corn meal and cassava starch and their comparison 玉米浆对玉米粉和木薯淀粉发酵甘油的影响及二者的比较
Using chemically defined medium as the control, mechanism of corn steep liquor ( CSL) in complex medium during glycerol production by Candida glycerinogenes was studied. 以复合培养基和合成培养基进行比较发酵,研究了玉米浆在产甘油假丝酵母甘油发酵过程中的作用机理。
The results showed that the optimal N sources were peptone, corn steep liquor and yeast extract; 实验表明,氮源中蛋白胨、玉米浆、酵母粉比较好;
The possible reason for corn steep liquor promoting nuclease P1 fermentation is that corn steep liquor contains more useful amino acids such as glycin, alanine, serine and so on. 此外,还初步探讨了玉米浆促进P1酶发酵的机理,这是因为玉米浆与蛋白胨相比含有了较多有利于P1酶发酵的氨基酸,如甘氨酸、丙氨酸以及丝氨酸等。
When the fermentation medium was composed of 1.0%, 2.0% corn steep liquor and 1.0% NaCl, and initial pH was 4.0, the strain produced epoxide hydrolase with the highest enantioselectivity. 该菌株产生EH的最佳培养基组成为:蔗糖1.0%、玉米浆2.0%、NaCl1.0%,初始pH为4.0。
Mycelium of a cultivated strain of Poria cocos was grown by submerged fermentation in a liquid medium containing corn steep liquor with orbital shaking. 在含有玉米浆的液体培养基中采用深层发酵技术培养出茯苓菌丝体。
Quantitative Determination of Phosphorus in Corn Steep Liquor with Colorimetric Method of Molybdenum Blue 钼蓝法测定玉米浆中磷含量
Main factors affecting production of glycerol in shake flasks in a process of repeated batch fermentation were studied. The experiments indicated that optimal concentration of corn steep liquor in repeated batch fermentation was lower than that in conventional batch fermentation because of higher cell density. 对游离耐高渗酵母细胞反复分批发酵生产甘油的影响因素进行研究,结果表明:反复分批发酵过程中所需的最优玉米浆浓度低于普通的分批发醇;
Effects of Corn Steep Liquor on Penicillin Fermentation 玉米浆对青霉素发酵生产的影响
The significant factors at the analysis range are: soybean flour, corn steep liquor and glucose. 利用极差分析找出主要影响因子:分别为豆饼粉、玉米浆和葡萄糖。
H_ ( 19-7-34) strain can suit to a cleaned fermentation medium containing enzymatic hydrolysate of starch, alkaline hydrolysate of soybean cake, corn steep liquor and mineral salts and without complement medium in the fermentation process. 选育出的H19734菌株能适应以淀粉的酶水解液、豆饼碱水解液和无机盐组成的清液发酵培养基和发酵过程中不补料的工艺。
The key techniques of inositol production are studied, including the production of phytin from rice bran and corn steep liquor, the hydrolysis of phytin, the purification of inositol and the utilization of the byproducts. 研究了肌醇生产的关键技术,包括采用米糠和玉米浸泡水制备菲丁、菲丁水解、肌醇纯化、副产物利用等工艺过程。
Initially, screening design methodology Plackett-Burman was used to evaluate the effects of eleven factors related to lipase production and three statistically significant factors: soybean flour, corn steep liquor and culture time were selected. 首先采用Plackett-Burman设计对影响产酶因素的效应进行评价,筛选出具有显著效应的黄豆粉、玉米浆和发酵时间三个最重要的因素。
Results showed that corn steep liquor ( CSL) can instead of yeast extract as a nitrogen source of succinic acid fermentation. 结果表明玉米浆可以替代酵母膏作为丁二酸发酵的廉价氮源。
As growth factors, corn steep liquor, yeast extract, milk powder, thiamin, extract of companion fungi and A mellea mycelia, activated clay, diatomite and kaolin could promote growth of G umbellata. 玉米浆、酵母膏、奶粉、硫胺素、伴生菌提取物、蜜环菌提取物、活性白土、硅藻土、高岭土都对猪苓固体培养的生长显示出不同程度的促进作用。
Corn steep liquor, the organic wastewater of corn wet milling, contained approximately 3~ 4% ( w/ w) protein. 玉米浸泡水是玉米湿法生产淀粉时产生的有机废水,其中含有3~4%的蛋白质。